Welcome, New Students!
A word of advice, and a warm welcome, from the graduates of 2014, to the incoming class at Lander College for Men.
Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Appointed Magid Shiur at Beis Medrash L’Talmud-Lander College for Men
Rav of Kehilas Ishei Yisrael in Kew Gardens Hills and Vice president of the Vaad Harabonim to Join the Faculty
Pre-Gaming Graduation
Students, staff and parents gather before commencement to celebrate graduates' accomplishments
To the Lander College for Men Class of 2014
Faculty and staff wish the Class of 2014 well, as they leave the halls of Lander College for Men/Beis Medrash L'Talmud
Lander College for Men Holds First-of-its-Kind Model Beis Din Competition
High School Students Asked to Debate Complex Jewish Laws and Ethics
Anything But a Washout
The annual schoolwide Shabbaton was enjoyed by all, despite the weather.
Student Government Elections Show Highest Voter Turnout to Date
SGO elections go off without a hitch.
How to Respond to an Active Shooter on Campus?
Students receive emergency training from NYPD detective.
Internalizing Torah: Chief Rabbi David Lau Visits LCM
Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau Addresses Students at the Lander Colleges